Jay Warmke is the author of a number of textbooks on renewable energy, including Assembling a Solar Generator, When the Biomass Hits the Wind Turbine, Understanding Photovoltaics, Designing & Installing Solar PV Systems, and more.
He has received several awards including Educator of the Year (ETA), Volunteer of the Year, and Pioneer of the Year from Green Energy Ohio.
Jay also has served as Vice President: Green Energy Ohio, Chair Person: ETA’s Renewable Energy Committee and board member: Electronic Technician’s Association (ETA) . He also teaches renewable energy at Zane State College, University of Dayton, and conducts various workshops on sustainable construction and renewable energy at throughout the Midwest.
He co-owns Blue Rock Station, with his wife Annie Warmke,the premier sustainable living center in Ohio which draws thousands of visitors from around the world.
ETA Level 2 PV certified, ETA Small Wind certified.